Casual Vacancy

4 February, 2021

Bargoed Town Council


Bargoed Ward


Notice of Vacancy


Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has arisen in the Bargoed ward of the abovementioned Council.


An election will be held to fill the vacancy if notice is given in writing to the Returning Officer, at the address below, by TEN Local Government Electors from that ward within fourteen days from the date of this notice.


If such notice has not been received by 23rd February 2021, the above council will fill vacancies by co-option.


Anyone interested in co-option to the Council should contact the Clerk to the Council at the address below.



Dated  3rd February 2021


Signed H S Williams


Christina Harrhy                                                                    Mrs H Williams
Returning Officer                                                                   Clerk
Caerphilly County Borough Council                                  Bargoed Town Council
Gilfach House                                                                         Town Hall
William Street                                                                        Bargoed Police Station
Gilfach                                                                                     Bargoed
Bargoed                                                                                   CF818XF
CF81 8ND

Printed and Published by Bargoed Town Council

Please note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, if an election is called it wouldn’t be able to take place until between the period of 1st March and 6th May 2021 at the earliest.

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